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 Why Theatre? 

For us, 'theatre' encompasses a wide range of participatory approaches including drama workshops for behaviour change, interactive theatre performances, interactive radio drama broadcasts, and even digital storytelling formats on platforms like Instagram and Facebook Live.


So why do we use this approach?

 It changes behaviour 

A recent KIT study found that "Theatre for a Change behaviour change workshops are effective in contributing to increased self-esteem, self-efficacy, and decision-making power among women and girls who have been marginalised, as well as improved knowledge and attitudes around at-risk groups’ safer sexual practices."

 It's grounded in evidence 

Our work is informed by Augusto Boal’s forum theatre techniques, Judith Butler's gender scholarship, Paolo Freire’s education theory, and Robert Chambers’ insights into participatory learning and action.

 It's a powerful advocacy tool 

After we performed in Malawi Parliament, a group of MPs took action and by-laws were passed in five wards in Lilongwe protecting girls from sexual exploitation in bars and clubs.

 It leads to deep and lasting change 

TfaC's participatory pedagogical approach to lifeskills teaching has now been adapted and embedded within the Malawi's Ministry of Education, Science and Technology's teacher training curriculum.

 Our Methods 


Behaviour Change Workshops

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We train facilitators in how to run drama-based workshops that build key communication skills, which form the building blocks of good sexual and reproductive health.


These facilitators then go on to facilitate workshops with groups including adolescents and young people, sex workers, LGBTQI+ people, children, and survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.


The workshops encourage participants to actively identify and explore patterns of behaviour that put them at risk, and develop sustainable strategies to achieving the changes they want to make.


Advocacy through Interactive Theatre

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We train groups in how to use their own stories and experiences as the basis for changing the attitudes of their peers, communities and decision makers through Interactive and Legislative Theatre.


This is a unique approach for promoting deeper empathy within the audience, encouraging the exploration of new behaviours that challenge traditional power hierarchies, creating pathways to justice for marginalised groups and, in the case of Legislative Theatre, promoting specific policy and legislative changes


Advocacy through Interactive Radio Drama


We train facilitators in how to use interactive radio to enable listeners to take part in a live drama focused on promoting the behaviours, attitudes and policies that protect and promote human rights.


Radio drama is a cost-effective and sustainable approach for enabling the participation of large audiences, who call in to become a character in the story, to change the outcome for the better.

 Our Theory of Change 


 Our Training Offer 

We offer training and technical support in our methodology to partner organisations worldwide.


Since 2015, a total of 287 facilitators from 42 organisations in 15 countries have completed our 160-hour accredited training programmes. UNICEF, Africa Check, IPPF, Oxfam, Save the Children and VSO are a few of the many organisations we have trained. 


We offer training onsite in Malawi, onsite in project locations outside Malawi, and online.


For more information, contact us at


In Malawi:


+265 (0) 888 576 652

Plot 3/559, Likuni Road

Area 3, Lilongwe


Registered Charity C429/2009

In the UK:


+44 203 633 1382

40 Bowling Green Lane

London EC1R 0NE


Registered Charity 1104458

Whistleblowing concerns, including reporting of fraud, safeguarding or other abuses can be reported via email at

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Our small size allows us to keep our operational costs low. This means that 95% of your donation goes directly to the communities where we work. 



We actively seek to work with partners and donors to help us scale our work.


© 2024 Theatre for a Change Ltd. All rights reserved.
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